Feeling stuck with clients?
Do their problems seem too large and complex to manage?
Are you working tirelessly but seeing no change in behaviour?
What if I told you, you never have to panic about being stuck again, that we can shrink problems and work with an approach that shows benefits to clients in a short space of time - sound good?
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) offers a powerful approach to confidently move forward in any session.
If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it, if it works, do more of it!
A 2-day evidence-based course in SFBT for immediate use in your practice. It's a unique communication method, especially valuable for those working with children and young people across a variety of settings. It transforms supportive conversations to focus on goals and positive achievement. More importantly it turns the tables from advising and giving instructions, to supporting people to set their own goals and the steps towards achieving them.
The training is interactive, with real-life scenarios, video demonstrations, and hands-on practice activities. SFBT will revolutionise communication with difficult to reach clients. Plus, you'll receive an SFBT pack following training as a reminder of approaches you’ve learned.
Background and theory on SFBT approach and method
The importance of what you say and how you say it. Looking at making probems smaller and solutions bigger using language.
If it isn't working stop doing it, how to identify what is working and do more of that. The powerful change that sees an immediate improvement in trusting relationships.
Learn how to support people to recognise the times when the problem isn't there, or is less prominent. How to build on this to create a future vision.
Discover a new way of listening and practice the technique.
Practice session and demonstration of SBFT in communication.
How to use a scale to support children and young people in an SFBT conversation. Demonstration.
Using the miracle question in SFBT, with a demonstration.
How to externalise behaviour, reframe and redescribe problems.
A large section of the day is devoted to practicing the technique to hone skills. The more it's practiced the more likely it will be to become a natural communication style. The facilitator will also be on hand to practice with, giving feedback in real time to enhance learning.
Discussion of what each candidate will change following the course, this is shared with their managers so learning can be tracked.