Resilience can often be overlooked when it comes to training. However, it's something that is integral to developing positive working relationships with young people, and getting positive outcomes. Being able to manage change, emotions, challenges and difficulties will transform lives of young people, a great foundation for a great future.
It's often thought that people are either resilient, or not. That is not the case! This course will, not only show staff how to develop their own resilience, but also to build and develop it in those they work with. Staff will have a tool kit of practical techniques to use long term.
What is resilience? Why it's important and how it links to wellbeing
Completion of a self awareness quiz and discussion of answers.
A look at some studies and findings. Discussion about stress management.
A look at studies, stress in health and social care industry and techniques to manage and build resilience.
An overview of practical examples, including relaxation and mindfulness techniques. Candidates are encouraged to participate in order to build their own tool box both for themselves and those they work with.
At the end of the day everyone is encouraged to give 3 things they will change following the training and produce a list for their tool box of techniques to improve resilience. Inspire Futures shares this with line managers for ongoing review and evaluation.