Reflect, learn, improve.
Reflective practice is a key skill for support staff and managers alike. Being able to reflect on, learn from, and improve practice is so integral to quality improvement within organisations. Reflection is simply learning from experience, the ability to reflect on your own actions, understand and learn from them so next time your response is different. It’s a technique which supports staff to take, and manage, accountability for their actions in a safe, blame free environment. Reflecting on your own, during team meetings, or in supervision, for example, is a powerful skill. It gives time and space to think and plan future actions to improve practice and meet organisational goals.
Master this skill and it can be used in support of others, to help their reflection, for clients it can reduce incidents, build assertiveness and help them achieve goals.
What is Refelctive practice? We'll look at some key theories in the subject
Looking at 3 models of Reflective practice and their strengths in the work place.
Discussion of the challenges and barriers to carrying out this technique and what changes can be made to incorporate it into every working life.
The difference between the 2 types, we'll use real scenarios and incidents to bring the learning to life for candidates
Making better use of what is already in place, idea planning for what would be useful to have in place and how to fit Reflective practice in to various areas of work.
Realistic changes individuals can make to implement Reflective practice in their setting, with those they work with - either staff or clients. Provision of tools to support implementation.