The new Supported Accommodation Regulations, including quality standards is now in force, with all services needing to be registered by October 2023. Ofsted will begin inspections of services from April 2024. This will mean changes within organisations to meet requirements and evidence work. This course supports staff at all levels understand the new regulations, the changes they bring and what it means for individual staff. In order to get the best out of all staff they should be part of the journey towards regulation. Understanding the background to new regulations, having the opportunity to discuss how they feel and the knowledge of how to work in line with requirements supports them to manage the changes.
This course is recommended alongside our quality consultancy work.
What the new Ofsted regulations are and why they have been brought in.
A look at how the regulations will impact you on a day to day basis.
Looking at the positive improvements regulation of 16+ services can bring.
Specific organisational changes, policies, procedures, guides, recording and reporting processes, what you will do differently.
Managing changes to working practice, and supporting others. Plan of action to maintain changes.
What to expect, what evidence you need to have, what Ofsted will be scoring you on.