What does your current induction plan entail? Do new staff feel enthusiastic and motivated through induction? Do they feel immersed into the organisation?
Reduce pressure on managers and streamline your induction process.
At Inspire Futures we can turn your current induction plan for support workers and managers into a series of professional slides for new staff to follow at a pace set by you. A module is created for each area of induction and signposts policies, procedures and guides at relevant points. The induction slides are tailored to you and have, for example, time allocated to shadow existing staff and roles, time for catch up meetings to assess progress and ask questions. This organised, easy to follow plan, is visually pleasing and embodies your unique culture, ethos and values. With a mixture of reading, videos and shadowing it maximises new staff learning, taking account of different learning styles. Having support of their peers, and a clear plan and timescale reduces the induction pressure on managers. As an organisation you can feel assured that new staff are building knowledge and confidence in their role to deliver high support services to staff and young people.