Ever wondered why young people don’t engage? Why they struggle to keep to risk and support plans? Why progress in achieving goals can seem slow?
This course looks at how to develop a co productive approach to working with young people, and alleviate the above challenges for staff, while evidencing the voice of the young person throughout the service.
This course is an introduction to working alongside clients, involving them in the work you are doing, especially their own plans. It’s essential training to improve positive outcomes for young people, developing a great reputation as a service and meeting Ofsted requirements.
The course is adapted for each organisation so we can really look at what staff are currently doing, and where they can make improvements in the strategy session. The course is suitable for managers and senior managers too as they are often the people who can lead on and implement changes. Adaptions include looking at small changes staff can implement right away, up to organisational culture and policy changes.
Organisational advice and guidance on a co productive approach with young people in every aspect of the service top to bottom is also available as an add on to this course.
What does involving clients mean to you? Activity.
What is already in place for involving young people, ideas for what else could be done?
What are the things that impeed involvement? What challenges do staff face daily that means involving young people can seem low on the priority list.
A background to involving those who use services and the current law and legislation governing this area. A look a the new Ofsted regulations around involving young people. Why involve young people? A look at the benfits to young people, staff and organisations.
Levels of involvement and what they mean, exploring the power struggle and working towards equal rights. Positive stories where involvement has improved services.
What do we want from young people? An in depth, interactive session creating a plan of action to move towards involving young people. Candidates will take away clear objectives to work on. This session is adapted for support staff or decision makers and builds on what is already being done.